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Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation Awards the MVP Foundation $5,000

We are pleased to announce that the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation has awarded the MVP Foundation a $5,000 program grant that will be applied to our 2023 March Leadership Academy. We are so honored to be a recipient of this program grant.

The grant is reviewed by Diamondback employees, their Foundation Board of Directors, and their Executive Council. It’s an extremely competitive grant and we’re thrilled to be honored by the Diamondbacks in this way.

The 3-day MVP Leadership Academy is held at Lost Canyon, in Williams, AZ. The

Academy teaches positive decision making and avoidance of at-risk behaviors to low-

income and disadvantaged middle school boys.

Along with our partner, the Be a Leader Foundation, we use group activities including, programming specifically developed for middle school youth, sports, group discussions, and leadership speakers to encourage these young men to achieve academic excellence and

develop positive life skills.

Students are nominated by a teacher, counselor or coach and the students commit to

themselves, their teachers, parents, and peers that they will uphold a formal Code of

Conduct during the year. If the code is followed, then the students are invited to attend

the Leadership Academy at no cost.

The $5,000 grant from the Arizona Diamondbacks will cover costs for transportation,

food, lodging and scheduled programming for the entire weekend. The academy allows these students to come together, form friendships and learn to believe in themselves and their abilities. Executive Director, Ronda Parker says, “the camp reminds the boys that they are special and that there is so much they can do to build their confidence”.


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