MVP = Most Valuable Person
Every young man, regardless of their background, should have an opportunity to learn valuable leadership skills. That’s where we come in to play.
Our goal at the MVP Foundation is to motivate Phoenix 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys to develop personal life skills which lead to positive decisions and the avoidance of high-risk behaviors as they continue to grow.
The MVP life skills are taught through a simple Code of Conduct which is monitored by teachers, administrators, coaches, and parents. Boys who adhere to the Code are then eligible to attend our annual MVP Leadership Academy at no cost.
The MVP Code of Conduct
I will be courteous toward my classmates—both girls and boys.​
I agree to value and respect the ideas and opinions of others even if I disagree.
I will not use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco as I will be a role model to others.
I will respect my teachers and exhibit positive, participative behavior in the classroom.
I will attend all classes regularly and on time.
I will prepare for each class and bring appropriate materials and assignments.
I will obey all campus rules.